Santa Barbara Corpus of Spoken American English


The Santa Barbara Corpus of Spoken American English is based on a large body of recordings of naturally occurring spoken interaction from all over the United States. The Santa Barbara Corpus represents a wide variety of people of different regional origins, ages, occupations, genders, and ethnic and social backgrounds. The predominant form of language use represented is face-to-face conversation, but the corpus also documents many other ways that that people use language in their everyday lives: telephone conversations, card games, food preparation, on-the-job talk, classroom lectures, sermons, story-telling, town hall meetings, tour-guide spiels, and more. The Santa Barbara Corpus was compiled by researchers in the Linguistics Department of the University of California, Santa Barbara. The Director of the Santa Barbara Corpus is John W. Du Bois, working with Associate Editors Wallace L. Chafe and Sandra A. Thompson (all of UC Santa Barbara), and Charles Meyer (UMass, Boston). For the publication of Parts 3 and 4, the authors are John W. Du Bois and Robert Englebretson.

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Eva Bacas and Matt Lavin

Date Submitted:

2020-04-24 14:54:12

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Du Bois, John W., Wallace L. Chafe, Charles Meyer, Sandra A. Thompson, Robert Englebretson, and Nii Martey. 2000-2005. Santa Bar


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