Resources Tagged: linguistics

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Child Language Data Exchange SystemCHILDES is the child language component of the TalkBank ...datasetFull RecordTalkbank The goal of TalkBank is to foster fundamental research ...datasetFull RecordNOW Corpus (News on the Web)The NOW corpus (News on the Web) contains 3.7 ...datasetFull RecordThe Digital Parisian Stage This is a repository for public-domain theatrical texts from ...datasetFull RecordPHOIBLE 2.0PHOIBLE is a repository of cross-linguistic phonological inventory data, ...datasetFull RecordData from "The Dative Alternation Revisited: Fresh Insights from Contemporary British Spoken Data" ...datasetFull RecordCorpus of Soqotri Oral LiteratureThe Corpus of Soqotri Oral Literature is a unique ...datasetFull RecordSpeech Accent ArchiveEveryone who speaks a language, speaks it with an ...datasetFull RecordSentiment Lexicons for 81 LanguagesThe sentiment lexicons in this dataset were generated via ...datasetFull Record120 Million Word Spanish CorpusSpanish is the second most widely-spoken language on Earth; ...datasetFull Record
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